*** WB5KAN joins the channel
Jurian: heya :)
WB5KAN: Hey folks ... need to look up some stuff ... right
Jurian: ok
WB5KAN: I'm going to try a very long past.
WB5KAN: These Q signals most often need to be expressed
with brevity and clarity in amateur work. (Q abbreviations take
the form of questions only when each is sent followed by a
question mark.)
WB5KAN: QRA What is the name of your station? The name of
your station is ______.
WB5KAN: QRG Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that
of _____)? Your exact frequency (or that of _____) is _____ kHz.
WB5KAN: QRH Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies.
WB5KAN: QRI How is the tone of my transmission? The tone
of your transmission
WB5KAN: Whuum ... I guess the buffer won't take all that
*** TinMan joins the channel
WB5KAN: Hey Mike
TinMan: yes k
WB5KAN: Ment to say Hi
TinMan: hi :)
TinMan: who is obany?
obany: I was here and on #troubled_times last week
obany: i am Gerard
TinMan: thanks k
WB5KAN: I have all the "Q" signals as requested
last week, but never got a chance to put anything on the web.
WB5KAN: I was listening to the radio this morning and all
the bands were open, and 10 mtrs was really good.
Jurian: I see.. so, you gonna explain some of them today?
or do you have other plans? :)
Jurian: hehe.. I can only listen to the radio if I turn my
other monitor off.. :)
*** Spotk2 joins the channel
WB5KAN: No real plans except to proceed as you folks would
*** MCRAGO left the channel
WB5KAN: I can go down the list and folks can ask questions
if you like.
KL0TW: Good morning WB5KAN
WB5KAN: Hi Clipper
KL0TW: Thanks
Jurian: I think a list of Q signals would be pretty
usefull :)
WB5KAN: Well, I just sychronized my computer clock and it
says time to start.
TinMan: going down the list and asking quesitons sounds
good to me
WB5KAN: So, I will start from the top, listing Q signals
and awaiting questions ... ok?
WB5KAN: These Q signals most often need to be expressed
with brevity and clarity in amateur work. (Q abbreviations take
the form of questions only when each is sent followed by a
question mark.)
WB5KAN: QRA What is the name of your station? The name of
your station is ______.
WB5KAN: QRG Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that
of _____)? Your exact frequency (or that of _____) is _____ kHz.
WB5KAN: QRH Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies.
WB5KAN: QRI How is the tone of my transmission? The tone
of your transmission is _____ (1. Good; 2. Variable; 3. Bad).
WB5KAN: QRJ Are you receiving me badly? I cannot receive
you. Your signals are too weak.
WB5KAN: QRK What is the intelligibility of my signals (or
those of _____)? The intelligibility of your signals (or those of
_____) is _____ (1. Bad; 2. Poor; 3. Fair; 4. Good; 5.
WB5KAN: QRL Are you busy? I am busy (or I am busy with
_____). Please do not interfere.
WB5KAN: QRM Is my transmission being interfered with? Your
transmission is being interfered with (1. Nil; 2. Slightly; 3.
Moderately; 4. Severely; 5. Extremely.)
WB5KAN: QRN Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by
static _____ (1-5 as under QRM).
WB5KAN: QRO Shall I increase power? Increase power.
WB5KAN: QRP Shall I decrease power? Decrease power.
*** Michel joins the channel
WB5KAN: QRQ Shall I send faster? Send faster (_____ WPM).
WB5KAN: QRS Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly
(_____ WPM).
WB5KAN: QRT Shall I stop sending? Stop sending.
WB5KAN: QRU Have you anything for me? I have nothing for
WB5KAN: QRV Are you ready? I am ready.
WB5KAN: QRW Shall I inform _____ that you are calling on
_____ kHz? Please inform _____ that I am calling on _____ kHz.
WB5KAN: QRX When will you call me again? I will call you
again at _____ hours (on _____ kHz).
WB5KAN: QRY What is my turn? Your turn is numbered _____
WB5KAN: QRZ Who is calling me? You are being called by
_____ (on _____ kHz).
WB5KAN: That should be enough for the moment ...
Jurian: no questions.. just writing them all down :)
KL0TW: Is this being put on a web site somewhere?
WB5KAN: Won't the bot record them all?
WB5KAN: Yes, I will put on the web when I create the site.
TinMan: is the most common usage a question or statment?
KL0TW: If it is, we can just print them out and make a
tt-radio booklet to use and learn with. A hard copy.
WB5KAN: Hum, TinMan, that's hard to say but I expect
mostly a statement.
WB5KAN: When you first get a code license you
WB5KAN: will probably say QRS frequently
TinMan: thanks, now when you put them on the web can you
indicate which are most usefull to use
*** ROY1 left the channel
WB5KAN: I think useage is pretty obvious. A better
question is which ones are used most commonly ... ie. I have
never seen QRX used.
KL0TW: QRX may be popular after PS if we have something
set up.
WB5KAN: That is true.
WB5KAN: Shall I send another batch?
KL0TW: Yes
WB5KAN: QSA What is the strength of my signals (or those
of ____)? The strength of your signals (or those of _____) is
_____ (1. Scarcely perceptible; 2. Weak; 3. Fairly good; 4. Good;
5. Very good).
WB5KAN: QSB Are my signals fading? Your signals are
WB5KAN: QSD Is my keying defective? Your keying is
WB5KAN: QSG Shall I send _____ messages at a time? Send
_____ messages at a time.
WB5KAN: QSK Can you hear me between your signals and if so
can I break in on your transmission? I can hear you between my
signals; break in on my transmission.
WB5KAN: QSK is frequently used in net operations.
WB5KAN: QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? I am
acknowledging receipt.
WB5KAN: QSM Shall I repeat the last message which I sent
you, or some previous message? Repeat the last message which you
sent me [or message(s) number(s) _____].
WB5KAN: QSN Did you hear me (or _____) on _____ kHz? I did
hear you (or _____) on _____ kHz.
WB5KAN: QSO Can you communicate with _____ direct or by
relay? I can communicate with _____ direct (or by relay through
WB5KAN: QSP Will you relay to _____? I will relay to _____
WB5KAN: QST General call preceding a message addressed to
all amateurs and ARRL members. This is in effect CQ
WB5KAN: It's this Q signal that the ARRL Magazine is named
WB5KAN: QSU Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on
_____ kHz)? Send or reply on this frequency (or _____ kHz).
WB5KAN: QSV Shall I send a series of Vs on this frequency
(or on _____ kHz)? Send a series of Vs on this frequency (or on
_____ kHz).
WB5KAN: This is used to give the other station a chance to
tune your signal accurately.
WB5KAN: QSW Will you send on this frequency (or on _____
kHz)? I am going to send on this frequency (or on ____ kHz).
WB5KAN: QSX Will you listen to _____ on _____ kHz? I am
listening to _____ on _____ kHz.
WB5KAN: QSY Shall I change to transmission on another
frequency? Change to transmission on another frequency (or on
_____ kHz).
WB5KAN: This is frequently used when there in interference
from another station.
WB5KAN: QSZ Shall I send each word or group more than
once? Send each word or group twice (or _____ times).
WB5KAN: I need a break
Jurian: no questions
KL0TW: No questions
TinMan: why the is Q used in all
WB5KAN: Ok, carry on while I get something to drink.
Jurian: tinman: probably to indicate it's a special
signal.. few words use a Q in them
KL0TW: I think the Q prepares you that a question is
TinMan: but it could be a statment and not a question
KL0TW: Every Q he sent was a question of some sort.
Jurian: only if you send out a "?" after the Qxx
thingie, it's a question, otherwise it's the reply
TinMan: if no "?" after the three characters
then it's a statment
KL0TW: But, I see what you meen
TinMan: I think Q stands for signal or somthing about
signal, Just a guess
Jurian: I think they all start with Q is because not many
words start with Q, so you can expect a signal after that.. if
you just send the other two letters, you don't
"automatically" know it's going to be a signal
Jurian: just to make things easier I guess
WB5KAN: I'm back
WB5KAN: You all answered Mike's question well. more
WB5KAN: Remimber, the Q signals are ment for rapid code
operations and originated with the old railroad telegraph.
WB5KAN: With voice operations, q signals aren't used
WB5KAN: By communicating, especially on a net, in a
specific way one can miss a few things and still follow what is
going on. k
WB5KAN: Ready for a few more?
KL0TW: Yep
WB5KAN: QTA Shall I cancel message number _____? Cancel
message number _____
WB5KAN: QTB Do you agree with my counting of words? I do
not agree with your counting of words. I will repeat the first
letter or digit of each word or group.
WB5KAN: QTC How many messages have you to send? I have
______ messages for you (or for _____).
WB5KAN: QTH What is your location? My location is _____
WB5KAN: QTR What is the correct time? The correct time is
WB5KAN: QTV Shall I stand guard for you? Stand guard for
* Jurian will be back in a few minutes
obany: brb
WB5KAN: QTX Will you keep your station open for further
communication with me? Keep your station open for me.
WB5KAN: QUA Have you news of _____? I have news of _____.
WB5KAN: All of the rest of the Q signals are specifically
for CW net operations
WB5KAN: They were devized by ARRL
TinMan: I don't understand when one would use QTV stand
WB5KAN: The ones with a * are to be used by the Net
Control Station ONLY.
WB5KAN: QTV - stand guard means to listen on frequency for
messages for the other station.
TinMan: Ok that makes sense
KL0TW: stand guard = monitor
WB5KAN: There are a lot of QNx signals so we can take a
little break. And yes, guard does = monitor.
KL0TW: Okay
WB5KAN: I will just start listing the QN signals and folks
can catch up.
WB5KAN: QNA* Answer in prearranged order.
WB5KAN: QNB Act as relay between _____ and _____.
WB5KAN: QNC All net stations copy. I have a message for
all net stations.
WB5KAN: QND* Net is Directed (Controlled by net control
WB5KAN: QNE* Entire net stand by.
WB5KAN: QNF Net is Free (not controlled).
WB5KAN: QNG Take over as net control station
WB5KAN: QNH Your net frequency is High.
WB5KAN: QNI Net stations report in. I am reporting into
the net. (Follow with a list of traffic or QRU.)
WB5KAN: QNJ Can you copy me?
WB5KAN: QNK* Transmit messages for _____ to _____.
WB5KAN: QNL Your net frequency is Low.
WB5KAN: QNM* You are QRMing the net. Stand by.
WB5KAN: QNN Net control station is _____. What station has
net control?
WB5KAN: QNO Station is leaving the net.
WB5KAN: QNP Unable to copy you. Unable to copy _____.
WB5KAN: QNQ* Move frequency to _____ and wait for _____ to
finish handling traffic. Then send him traffic for _____.
WB5KAN: QNR* Answer _____ and Receive traffic.
WB5KAN: QNS Following Stations are in the net.* (follow
with list.) Request list of stations in the net.
WB5KAN: QNT I request permission to leave the net for
_____ minutes.
WB5KAN: QNU* The net has traffic for you. Stand by.
WB5KAN: QNV* Establish contact with _____ on this
frequency. If successful, move to _____ and send him traffic for
WB5KAN: QNW How do I route messages for _____?
WB5KAN: QNX You are excused from the net.*
WB5KAN: QNY* Shift to another frequency (or to _____ kHz)
to clear traffic with _____.
WB5KAN: QNZ Zero beat your signal with mine.
WB5KAN: *For use only by the Net Control Station.
WB5KAN: These QN signals are special ARRL signals for use
in amateur CW nets only. They are not for use in casual amateur
conversation. Other meanings that may be used in other services
do not apply. Do not use QN signals on phone nets. Say it with
words. QN signals need not be followed by a question mark, even
though the meaning may be interrogatory.
WB5KAN: That's all !!!
KL0TW: Does zero beat mean tune in?
WB5KAN: Zero beat has little use these days with modern
transceivers ... more
WB5KAN: Today it would mean to set your CW bandwidth as
small as possable and tune for maximum signal strength.
KL0TW: Okay
TinMan: does CW = carier wave
WB5KAN: In the old days, you would set your BFO offset to
zero and tune your receiver for the lowest audio tone possable.
At that point your cw signal would be on the same frequency as
the net control's. CW = Continuous Wave with no modulation.
KL0TW: Now I have to ask what a BFO offset is or was.
WB5KAN: BFO stands for Beat Frequency Oscillator. It's
output is mixed with the input signal to produce the tone you
hear as CW.
WB5KAN: These days all that is automatic.
KL0TW: I think I understand that
WB5KAN: Normally a transceiver is set up with an offset of
600 Hz so that a tone of 600 hz is heard as code.
KL0TW: I just keep thinking that some of the equipment we
may have to use in the future, may be some of the equipment from
the past. = availability.
WB5KAN: That's absolutely correct, so it's good to know
these things.
KL0TW: Or at least have them written to reference to.
WB5KAN: You can get excellent military surplus equipment,
especially receivers that use a BFO.
TinMan: will they still work in the bands we need?
WB5KAN: The receivers certainly will. Transmitters for the
military are crystal controlled.
TinMan: Good point
*** MCRAGO left the channel
KL0TW: And one would not want to transmit after PS on
military freq. That is the first thing they will be listening for
to track you down. My guess.
WB5KAN: It really is amazing that Ham Radio has much more
of the radio spectrum dedicated to it than any other service.
WB5KAN: Well, we've been at it for an hour and I have no
other plans for this session so are you guys ready to close it
Jurian: is there an easy way to make it hard for people to
track you down? I know how easy it is to find someone.. cause
I've done that with CB a couple of times.. can't think of a way
to make it harder to be found though.. :(
TinMan: I think at some time a list of minimum
functionality and options will be need for purchasing transcivers
and recievers.
KL0TW: Agreed. I am getting hungry.
TinMan: for now I think we have done it
KL0TW: Jurioan ... here, we call that "Playing
rabbit" :-)
WB5KAN: Jurian, there are a number of ways to do what you
propose; but it is illegal. The military has very fancy ways.
Jurian: it wont be illegal after the PS.. and it might be
very smart to.. "play rabbit" after the PS.. make it
harder for people to find you..
Jurian: I think we should discuss ideas on how to do
thinks like that
KL0TW: Playing rabbit is basicly being mobile.
WB5KAN: I agree; but don't know how to practice it before
the PS.
* Jurian has yet to see plans for the first mobile dome :P
KL0TW: A good offense makes a good defense.
Jurian: I dont like offense.. :)
KL0TW: Then preapre to defend.
WB5KAN: The most fundamental way is "frequency
hopping" ... changing to pre-arranged frequencies every few
Jurian: that'd work yeah.. specially after we get the
computer controlled networks up..
Jurian: and short transmissions.. the longer the
transmission, the easier to track it..
WB5KAN: It will be rather easy to do when the time comes,
I think.
KL0TW: Probably.
WB5KAN: Almost all new transceivers provide for computer
control of frequency.
KL0TW: Anyway. I am hungry. So ..... (dang, I forgot what
to write for turning off my radio)
Jurian: KN I think :)
WB5KAN: Me to ... see everyone latter. This session is
open for free chat. AR
KL0TW: AR Thats it
*** WB5KAN left the channel
KL0TW: See you all later. A
Jurian: ok, later K
*** KL0TW left the channel
TinMan: ar
*** TinMan left the channel
Jurian: !endlog
*** Jurian left the channel
*** Michel left the channel
*** Pottt left the channel
*** kerne left the channel
*** michel left the channel
*** LPM left the channel
*** obany left the channel