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            From:  Booklet@xxx.ORG
            Date:  Wed Oct 23, 2002  5:57 am
            Subject:  Booklet Report

            To date, we have had 401 requests for booklets. That averages about 23 per 
            month. Roger is ordering 200 more this week as I am down to just a few. The
            overseas requests have tapered off and am only getting a few every month or so.
            Many of the orders are coming from the east coast and mid atlantic states. 
            Quite a few from California of course. 
            The last 2 weeks has seen a slight increase in requests. As word spreads (and
            LOTS of people are becoming aware of the planet) I am sure we will be inundated
            with requests.

            I need to ask the board if I should continue to keep a record of the requests. 
            Nancy has proposed destroying the seed list, should I do the same? 
            See you Sunday. 