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Hi, Everyone:
Well, we built the 40 metre CW transceiver, and all is working well except I
have to get a key for it. Then it will be a case of practice, practice,
practice, before I have the nerve to actually go on the air! I must admit I
have let my code slide a bit. I know it, but I prefer to converse by telephony,
but I do realize that there is a need for Morse in that sometimes it can get
through where telephony fears to tread.
Apart from that, there isn't much news. Our club had its AGM on 5 May, at which
I was once more elected Education Director (not as grand as it sounds, just
means I have to organize the classes and get dates and accommodation lined up),
and we will have our last meeting for the year on June 1st. We will then cease
until September, when we will start again.
As for the nets, I have been unable to even get on to them lately because the
club repeater is down. A repeater is a piece of equipment that boosts
communication so that you can get further than you could with just simplex,
which is more of a direct connection. Unfortunately, the guy who programmed my
radio did not programme it for the club simplex frequency, so that I am
prevented from getting onto the club nets. It also means I can't take my turn
at controlling the net on Thursday morning, so I'm not getting my control
practice. These nets, by the way, are ARES nets (Amateur Radio Emergency
Section), and we hold them so that in an emergency, there are plenty of people
trained to handle any radio emergency traffic that may be encountered.
Unfortunately, I have not displayed an aptitude for net controlling. I am far
too nervous and have difficulty coping with situations where unusual things
happen, like someone trying to jam the transmissions, or the repeater going
down, necessitating a quick switch to simplex, so I don't believe that I would
be any good in an emergency anyway. I have never gotten brave enough to control
the big club net, and I doubt I ever will. As I think I have often mentioned
before, I am not a leader. I am a great follower, though, and would probably be
a good soldier except my aim isn't all that it should be!!
Long report for no news, right?
Best regards,